You Can Lead a Life-Changing Bible Study
When I became a Christian late in high school, I knew I had a lot to learn. Thankfully, a close friend gave me a Bible, and I began to...
To All the Co-Parenting Dads
People regularly ask me, “How do you do it all?” It’s simple: 1) I don’t do it all, and 2) my husband supports me. After nine years of...
Can a Weary World Rejoice?
I’m keenly aware of the gap between the way things are and the way they should be. My heart grieves how far the world, the church, and my...
Everyday Community
The oil sizzled on the pan as my friend Janell made naan and garam masala chicken. Her little ones (Hazel is 4 and Levi is 1) raced back...
Heartache for the Church
Some days, my heart aches so much for the church that tears sting the corners of my eyes. Today is one of those days. It seems to me that...
Feeling Heard
Lucy recently learned to wave. One day while she was sitting in her highchair eating lunch, she waved at me. When I waved back, Lucy’s...
One Year
It’s amazing what God can do in a year. One year ago, I was pregnant, and I was getting a bit anxious—something I rarely experience—and I...
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
This Advent, my heart has been singing "O Come, O Come Emmanuel" like never before. There's a feeling of exasperation in the air. There's...
One night last week, I had a group of friends over. We sat outside drinking malbec, eating spicy goat cheese, and sharing stories. There...
So Much Waiting
In case you missed our big announcement on Facebook and Twitter, Jim and I are expecting our first child this May. As I approach the...