"I Do" to More Than You Think
Marriage isn't what I thought it would be. It's wonderful in a number of ways, but there are a million other things that no one prepares...

Leaning In to Lean In
I've been listening to the audiobook version of Lean In, which is simultaneously empowering and infuriating. It is empowering because she...

Celebrating Earth Day
As I drove down to my alma mater, Eastern Illinois University, a few weeks ago, I noticed hundreds more wind turbines than we saw the...

Baking Bread
As I am wont to do, I'm on a new wave of obsession: making bread. Unlike most of my obsessions, though, this hobby requires little money...
Lessons on Less Clothes
Well, I did it. I finished my fast that limited my clothing. And Easter morning I was more excited to pick out my clothes than I've ever...
Starting a New Fasting Journey
Lent began this week, and I'm embarking on another fast of sorts. I did a spending fast based on Seven from Jen Hatmaker in August and it...
Something About Indie Coffeehouses
I'm sitting in an easy, simple, joyful coffeehouse. With four different coffees brewing--including a coffee of the day and a house blend...
Over halfway through my spending fast, and I reached the depressing hump of negativity. I've caught myself pouting as I drive past...
Cinnabon Is Stupid
Ok. Yesterday and today have been hard. It all started yesterday when I had to walk past Cinnabon after my eye appointment at the mall....
10 Days In
Today completes 10 days of our spending experiment, and I'm learning a lot. Sometimes it feels no different than our regular rhythms—I...